Saturday, April 26, 2014

Passion Wasn't Enough - EX#1

Last night we tried going to a digital dubs event in Vidigal, that is known for a great vibe and awesome panoramic view of Leblon & Ipanema.

Vidigal is located west of Leblon, it lies on really steep hill.

When we got there they told us that the party wasn't going to happen, then turned out starting too late and we thought it was no longer worth it  pretty much left.

On the way up that intense hill, we met a friend of a friend, who had 2 other friends. When then stopped to get some beers and chat. I met this American guy. We began talking about this and than and the other... and eventually ended up on the topic of "what do you do". Now he does real estate, but his dream (desire/passion/interest) was to serve his country- he applied to the US Army for FOUR years and didn't get in!!

 (Yes, this post is going beyond the fact that I dislike the army. The brainwashing is beyond me! Especially in the idea of "defending freedom"!)

This guy wasn't out of shape. He didn't have a visible handicap. He genuinely wanted to be involved with the army and defend his country's "idea of freedom", yada yada. He spoke about it with such passion and while explaining why he got rejected from it for FOUR years, you could see the tears surfacing. He wrote to senators, to governors. He went through different recruiters. He did ALL HE COULD.

So yeh, it really moved me that this guy who REALLY wanted to do something that isn't uncommon like being a #1 Olympic diver or competitive swimmer, couldn't! There are millions of army jobs!
He sure didn't lack passion. Skills he'd acquire through training.
It was timing- the world and it's situations that kept him from being a qualified candidate to join. The USA wasn't looking for any more troops in 2009. They could pick and choose their next 'freedom defending victim' and he couldn't be one of them, despite his honest desire/passion/interest.

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