This city makes me happy. This city makes me want to live.
Thinking back, I also wondered why it took so long for me to get inspired to do something... anything!
I used to sit at home and be depressed- really... without a purpose. Since I've been here, especially with volunteering, I feel like I should be doing something all the time. Creating and expressing and exposing and... and... and...
I feel like I don't have enough skills or time to do all the things I WANT to do.
One of the things I want to work on when I get back is writing. I want to be taught how to write properly again. It's a phenomenal skill, that to be honest, I've lost since John Abbott College. Concordia fueled my critical stance, but killed my writing skills.
From what I have known so far (in the last 2-3 weeks), I could be writing a billion freelanced articles a day. I speak Portuguese, I can get into the nitty-gritty topics, I can probe, I can research... but I just don't have the skills to bring it all together. I HATE myself for that.
There's at least 5 people I know and 15 sites that I could be writing for, but I just don't have the quality for it to be published and paid for!
Stay in school kids & always practice writing!
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