Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Beauty Salon in Lapa, Rio de Janeiro!

I've been living in Lapa for the past 5 months. Since I am living in a tropical country where I am wearing shorts and a bikini bottom often, waxing is undeniably necessary.

The BEST Beauty Salon in Lapa, Rio de Janeiro, that has hair removal, manis, pedis, haircuts, etc... is 
They are located on: Av. Gomes Freire (corner with Mem de Sa), #663, take the elevator to the second floor and it's room 202. 
Their phone number is: (21) 2222-0977
They're only open Tuesday - Friday!

I know it doesn't look awesome, or very chic, cause it's not... but SANDRA is phenomenal. (She only speaks portuguese though!)

Why am I writing this post?
Because things happen where I couldn't go to Sandra, (weather and her vacation) and I went somewhere else... it was the WORSE experience ever.
I tried all the places on Riachuelo, and they all charge more and do a terrible job! They either leave hair (most common), wax wrong (don't hold the skin, just pull in any which way), pour HOT wax on ya, leave wax on you and just don't give a shit that you're in pain during the process!!

So incase you googled salon or salao de beleza or hair removal or waxing and LAPA, RJ, I hope you find this post and go there, it's the best advice I can give you!

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