Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I've been in a Funk.

I haven't posted in the past few weeks because I've been in a funk.
The weather here has really got me down. I had just recently left a Canadian winter.
It's not that I can't handle 14-16C degrees of Brazil winter... it's the humidity that's taking an emotional tole on me. Everything's always soaked. There's condensation on the walls. Things grow mold on them! I didn't come equipt for this climate and what angers me is knowing that back home I have all the resources: rain jackets, boots (the black and white ones everyone hates!!), warm pjs, more socks... and sweaters!!!

I've been trying to look at the bright side whilst I tough it out. There's only about 1-2 months left of winter. This'll be as worst as it gets. Summer is coming and it'll last 8 months!

Everything's sort of going according to plan.
I got my carteira de identidade, my cpf and now I'm waiting for my carteira de trabalho.
I'm even in the process of getting hired as an English Teacher at one of Brazil's most recognized schools.

I've gotten all that I've wanted in about a month- it's just not in Rio de Janeiro.

What's so bad about Itajai? It's kinda boring.
That's my only complaint.
Why have I decided to stay here?
It's an awesome place to start. There are jobs here!
I have nothing Brazilian on my CV. Toughing it out here in the start, will give me something legitimate to put on my CV. I'm biting the bullet and doing it.

Yup. 6 day work weeks, here we go!
The idea that on the 7th day I'll be able to go to the beach... soon... keeps my spirit alive.

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